Kids’ Quotes

We had a busy day around here today!  There’s the news in the States, an election here in Canada, our 13th wedding anniversary, and, here is Kenan with some more breaking news:

Trouble Number One:

It’s 9:15 pm.  We’ve been playing calm, sleepy bedtime music for a full hour.  We both thought the kids were asleep.

Kenan pipes up.

Hey guys, I have some pretty amazing news here.

I can count to Ten Billion and Eleven …     by TWOS!

Trouble Number Two:

Last weekend Nate took the kids to a real movie theater to see Tangled, the latest kids offering from Disney.  This is about the 3rd time they’ve been to a movie theater in their memory.  There was nothing in that movie that we thought could possibly be inappropriate for them to see without us previewing and over-analyzing it first.

As they are walking down the hallway towards their theater, there is a huge sign, larger than life-size, advertising another movie with a scantily-clad couple getting  into bed together.

Shana pipes up.

Daddy, what’s that?

Daddy mumbled under his breath,

That’s the reason we don’t usually go to the movies!

Shana, with a huge smile, as she’s making an obstacle course out of streamers in the master bedroom, purportedly “decorating” for Helen’s birthday party:

When kids get decorating, they go crazy!


Notice the little stool placed so we can step over the streamer.

Kenan, sprawled on the ice for the nth time at our community skating rink and looking longingly at some teens playing hockey nearby:

Daddy, it’s taking a long time
for me to be a grownup!

After the kids were in bed tonight I followed a nostalgic prompting and turned up the volume while listening to La complainted du phoque en Alaska.  Kenan called me over after the chorus and asked seriously, “Daddy, is this the one where he misses his girlfriend because she’s balancing balls on her nose?”  “Yes, that’s right dear.”  A big smile quickly spread over his face.  “Good, I love that one.” 

Apparently I’m doing something right raising my kids.  🙂

P.S.  I bought my copy on iTunes, but you can find it on YouTube if you’re feeling nostalgic tonight too…

Houses that are boring are a piece of poop.
Pretty houses are a girl’s dress.
And we live in a girl’s dress.


Kenan:  How do you say “water bottle” in French?

Mom:  Bouteille d’eau.

Kenan:  Potato?!

Shana to Helen, after reading her Bible:

I’m tired of the old intestine.

So now I’m in the new intestine.


Happy 40th anniversary, Mom and Dad!

When Shana and Kenan heard it was your anniversary, they immediately got busy at their craft table drawing you pictures.  Shana had the original idea of drawing you M&Ms, but Kenan did his own coloured dots and had the funniest quote to go along with it, so he gets the attention in this blog entry.  Here’s what he said while proudly showing off his M&M necklace for Grandma:

I’ll give it to Grandma, and she can hang it on her wall.

And then every time we go visit I’ll say “JUST A SEC!!” to you Mom, and I’ll run and get my picture.

And then we shall visit.

Since the picture won’t get to you in time, maybe you can pull out some other masterpiece of theirs and pretend ye shall visit.


One of the reasons we bought a new house was because it’s hard for the kids to learn to ride bikes at our old place:  our driveway slopes down to a really busy street, and even the sidewalk is at a steep slope (to a new cyclist anyway) and right next to the street.  The new house is on a quiet side street and with only a gentle slope.

We haven’t even moved in yet and our prayer was already answered!

There’s a park about two blocks from the new house, so on Saturday we moved the bikes to the new place and timid Shana biked the whole way fromt he house to the park while Kenan and I walked.  You go girl!

Every once in a while, on a perfectly flat stretch of sidewalk, she’d suddenly get scared, put her feet down and ask me “is this a hill Dad?”  With my reassurance that it couldn’t be flatter she’d relax and pedal away from us again.  🙂


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