November 2008

Can you beleive it?  I can’t even find frozen cranberries in my online grocery store!  Don’t they know it’s American Thanksgiving!?!

After the kids were in bed tonight I followed a nostalgic prompting and turned up the volume while listening to La complainted du phoque en Alaska.  Kenan called me over after the chorus and asked seriously, “Daddy, is this the one where he misses his girlfriend because she’s balancing balls on her nose?”  “Yes, that’s right dear.”  A big smile quickly spread over his face.  “Good, I love that one.” 

Apparently I’m doing something right raising my kids.  🙂

P.S.  I bought my copy on iTunes, but you can find it on YouTube if you’re feeling nostalgic tonight too…

Shana does this with our en-suite nearly every day, using the bits that come off our bathroom rugs.

Shana's Potty Art

Yesterday evening I was out shopping by myself and noticed we were getting low on gas, but was too lazy to actually get any.  It was cold, and dark, and I hate getting gas, especially in the cold, and the dark.  Nate is usually very chivalrous about doing it for me. 

So this morning I asked Nate to take the car to work and put gas in it.  He calls me a few minutes later and says he only made it a distance which we would describe in meters, not miles.  Just past the school which is right by our house.  So I had to wake Shana up from a deep sleep, get Kenan out of bed, have them throw sweats over their pajamas and go rescue Daddy.   Who was actually rescuing me.  

Luckily the van currently has insurance on it, but unluckily it has no seats in back, so the kids lay down on a blanket and we hoped no one with the power to ticket us would notice.  The local gas station was out of gas cans, so we had to go farther, but with no seats on busy roads at rush hour, we decided to wait it out at a local drug store while Nate got a gas can.  The kids sure had fun, but when we got home were pretty crabby!  img_0872It sure put a spin on our morning!

Next time I’m too lazy to get gas, I’ll remember the alternative!

Trick-or-Treating with the neighbour kids from across the street.

Trick or Treating

Helen has appointed me the science teacher, and I am greatly enjoying the role.  Partly I enjoy it because it’s fun for me, but mostly because the kids just CAN’T WAIT for science night every week, and were in tears one Tuesday night when I had to cancel it.

I like to think they look forward to it so much because of the teacher.  But a big part of it is also the topic:  boats and buoyancy.  I.e., we get to play in water every week.

Tonight we learned (though not in these words) that you can make a boat more stable by lowering its centre of gravity or by widening its base.

This boat tipped over because its mast made it top-heavy:

This boat fell over because it was top-heavy.

The pennies made this boat stable despite the big weight at the top of the mast:

The pennies in this boat make it stable despite the big weight on the mast.

We added pontoons (or ‘water wings’ as Shana calls them) to make this boat stable:

The "water wings" make this boat stable.