April 2009

Here are a few snapshots of our seder.  We had a wonderful time with old and new friends.  It was our latest seder ever; the kids were excited they got to stay up until midnight!  

Hover over the pictures for the captions.

Happy Passover!

Kenan loves getting dressed up


Yum!  Matzah Ball Soup!


Rabbi Gamaliel says...


We love Sharon and her piano!

We’re full-tilt into preparing for Passover.  On the schedule this weekend was cleaning, cleaning, grocery shopping, baking and cleaning.

The kids are not exempt!  They actually enjoyed cleaning the fridge:

Cleaning the Fridge

Cleaning the Fridge


Baking macaroons!


Helen polished up Elijah’s Cup and bought plenty of sweet Passover Wine:

Elijah's Cup

Event the weather is feeling Passover-like, as we’re finally getting a warm week, with melting snow, singing birds, and early signs of spring.

Passover starts Wednesday at sundown, but we’re having our seder this year on Thursday.