January 2010

Dear Nikki, we tried your “bending light” science experiments, but some turned out quite different than we expected.  Can you help explain what’s happening?!

It started out quite regular:

This is where it started getting confusing…

Help!  I don’t understand!

Love, Shana.

This is Vanilla’s favourite spot.

I (Nate) am really enjoying skating with the kids.  We made it out a handful of times last winter, and three or so times so far this winter.  It’s amazing to see the improvement in each of them.  Every single time we go out they skate noticeably better than the previous time.

Here we are skating at a lagoon near our house.

The most important thing is not to see the flame, but to take part!

– Pierre de Coubertin, slightly modified

We would have had a better view from in front of our TV rather than the outskirts of the 1000+–no, make that 20,000+ according to newspapers the next day–throng packing the Olympic Plaza in downtown Calgary tonight, but it wouldn’t have been anywhere near as exciting!

Here’s the best shot we got of the torch on camera:

But we had a nice view of the flame on the top of the Calgary tower, with a sickle moon just below it–a good omen for Canadian athletes!–and Shana and Kenan got to hold their own torch:

We were all surprised by the fireworks to end the evening.

Go Canada Go!

I’m watching the Olympic Torch make its way along Calgary streets (through my browser).  In a few minutes Helen and the kids will be joining me at Olympic Plaza where we can all watch it in person (with a thousand other people).

As the good book says, “today we see it through a browser dimly, but tomorrow we shall see it face to face”.


They’re all waiting for a ctrain to go by.  I guess the train has priority over the flame!

Here are some more pics of our house–including the new Ikea bookcases and new TV!

Mom’s been bugging me to get something up on the blog other than Christmas pictures! 😉

I do hope to get more news and kid pics up soon–they’re on the camera just waiting for us to have time to do something about them!

-Nate on Helen’s iPhone.