Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Exodus 20:8

We have started some family traditions around Shabbat.  A couple of things conspired to make this possible:  I finally moved gymnastics off of Fridays, and we bought a Kitchen Aid Mixer to make bread in.  Lighting the candles each Friday evening gives a rhythm to our lives, reminds us that the week is done and another about to begin, and brings us together for a family time where no other activities are allowed to intrude.  The kids love it and are learning the blessings in Hebrew.  Shana is getting very good at braiding the bread dough.  Kenan especially is very eager as the time to eat draws near, asking, “Can we eat the Ha-o-lah?”  (Challah)  You are welcome to join us if you wish, just give me at least 15 minutes notice! 
